purposeful parentingThe month of July is National Purposeful Parenting Month. Purposeful parenting strives to build strong, positive, functional families with children of all ages by recognizing the important of meaningful relationships between parents and children. Being a purposeful parent takes work and commitment in order to nurture love and respect in the family, as well as, the need to shift behaviors from reaction to action.
To celebrate Purposeful Parenting Month, parents can do a variety of simple and easy things to create a more positive and loving home life.
  • Tell your children you love them, and do it often.
  • Celebrate the uniqueness of all family members.
  • Create a safe environment for the entire family.
  • Grab every opportunity to spend unstructured time.
  • Plan fun family activities. Turn off the T.V. 
  • Learn the value of delegating responsibilities.
  • Establish family traditions.