YouthZone Fuels Its Mission with a Boost from Starbucks Foundation’s Neighborhood Grant

At YouthZone, we’re continuously working to empower our community, and we’re thrilled to announce a substantial boost to our efforts— a $1,000 grant from the Starbucks Foundation’s Neighborhood Grant program!

 Starbucks Foundation, well-known for its community advocacy, champions organizations that make a difference. From fighting hunger and homelessness to promoting youth empowerment and environmental stewardship, the foundation supports initiatives for a brighter future.

Our nomination came directly from Starbucks partners (employees), who saw the positive impact YouthZone is making. The Starbucks Foundation received over 33,000 nominations from across the U.S. and Canada, making our selection as one of the 2,800 grant recipients a cause for celebration.

This Neighborhood Grant represents more than financial aid. It’s a testament to our community’s strength and the connections we’ve fostered over time. In collaboration with organizations like the Starbucks Foundation, we’re able to enhance our services, helping families and individuals where it matters most.

As we celebrate this generous grant from the Starbucks Foundation, we reiterate our commitment to our community. This grant will further our programs, nurturing youth development, supporting families, and fostering a vibrant community.

For more details about the Starbucks Foundation and the Neighborhood Grant program, check out the Starbucks Stories page.

We are thankful to the Starbucks Foundation and all the Starbucks Partners who championed for us and our mission. Together, we are creating a solid base for future community growth. Your belief in our work empowers us to do more and reach further. Thank you for fueling our commitment to our community.