Our team is here to help you recover.
Drug and alcohol use can be hard to battle, but YouthZone's trauma-informed substance programs can make it a little easier. When a client starts a YouthZone program, their Youth Advocate conducts a comprehensive assessment that measures their levels of drug and alcohol use. If necessary, the client is referred to our Substance Use Prevention and Intervention Specialists, who are certified to provide a variety of evidence-based curricula rooted in harm-reduction practices, including:
Safety First ©, a reality-based approach designed to educate teens about brain development, the risks and consequences of substance use, and healthy coping mechanisms.
Seeking Safety ©, a flexible model that teaches 25 different coping mechanisms so youth can better manage the stresses of trauma and addiction.
Moral Reconation Therapy ®, a cognitive-behavioral treatment system that helps clients develop enhanced moral reasoning, better decision making, and more appropriate behavior.
These programs are typically offered as group sessions, as this format gives youth an opportunity to develop a community of support, engage in healthy relationship building, and understand they're not alone in their struggles. For clients with higher needs, our programs can be offered in a one-0n-one setting, both in-person and virtually, as well as in Spanish.
We also offer support to parents whose children are struggling with substance use through our Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) program. Learn more about our other services here.