From Airen Goodman

CYDC/Senate Bill 94 Coordinator

Get UPS credit hours with our on-line Life Skills  classes. Part one of the Life Skills series on Emotional Intelligence 101 will discuss Values and Goal Setting. Remember, the more effort and work you put in each assignment, the more credit you will receive.

Click here to download the  Values and Goal Setting Life Skills class created by Vallee Noone.  “Emotional intelligence is one of the most important skills someone can learn. Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. We make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships and communicate more effectively.

“One of the key building blocks of self-awareness is a clear understanding of your values. People who are self-aware know their values and periodically reevaluate them to ensure that they are living their life with intention.

“According to the American Counseling Association, research has shown that reaching goals affects motivation, self-efficacy and learning. Goal-setting is essential to improve emotional intelligence skills. Goals make it easier for people to self-evaluate and understand the progress they have made. ”

You can still access the information for earlier online classes here:

Assignment One: Issues Facing Our Youth and Finding Resources

Assignment Two: NonVerbal Communication and Improving Your Well Being

Assignment Three: Decision Making

Assignment Four: Poetry 

Assignment Five: Healthy Relationships 

Assignment Six: Anger Management

If you have questions, email [email protected] or call 970-618-7335. If you can’t download the attachments in the links, Airen can send them to you by email.

If you are struggling in any way, YouthZone is available to help.  Feel free to reach out anytime. Let me know if you need anything. Take care of yourself.