by: Patty Schaffner, Pals Volunteer Mentoring Director
bigbrotherShopping at City Market last week, I noticed a woman with two elementary aged girls husking their corn on the cob and putting the husks back in the bin.  I mentioned to them that the trash can sitting next to the bin was available to receive the husks.  She gave me a dirty look and continued to put the corn husks on top of the other corn in the bin.  After checking out and unloading the groceries from the cart, one of the girls pushed the cart between two other cars and got in their car.  I happened to pull out first and was waiting for a pedestrian to cross into the store and the woman almost backed right into me.  I felt saddened that a mom could be such a poor role model to her impressionable daughters that day.  Children watch what we do and act accordingly.  How and what are we role modeling to others in our community today?